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How Often Should I Get My Hearing Checked? A Comprehensive Guide by Buchanan Audiologists

Regular hearing check-ups are an essential part of maintaining good auditory health. But how often should you actually get your hearing assessed? Buchanan Audiologists are here to guide you through the process.

For personalised advice tailored to your hearing health, contact us at 01634 757045.

Baseline Hearing Tests

Occupational Risks

More frequent check-ups are advisable if you're exposed to loud noises at your workplace, such as construction sites or music venues.

Hobbies and Lifestyle

We recommend more frequent assessments for those engaged in hobbies like shooting or motorcycling that can potentially damage hearing.

After Noticeable Changes

A professional should immediately evaluate any noticeable change in hearing. Don't hesitate to book an urgent appointment.

Our Services at Buchanan Audiologists

We offer various services, from basic hearing tests to more complex auditory assessments by our consultant audiologist.

To schedule a hearing test with Buchanan Audiologists, call us at 01634 757045.

Other Factors

Medical conditions like diabetes or cardiovascular diseases may require more frequent hearing evaluations for an overall health check-up.


Regular hearing check-ups are an essential part of maintaining good auditory health. Buchanan Audiologists are committed to providing you with the best possible hearing care.

To determine how often you should get your hearing checked, call us at 01634 757045 for a tailored consultation.